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  • EquiLend Completes Acquisition by WCAS Following Regulatory Approval

EquiLend Completes Acquisition by WCAS Following Regulatory Approval

Key Highlights:

  • EquiLend completes majority acquisition by Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe (WCAS).

  • Founding shareholders include Bank of America, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, and more.

  • Regulatory approvals received from the U.S., UK, and Ireland regulators.

  • The acquisition will accelerate EquiLend’s mission of automation and efficiency in the securities finance industry.

Source (PR Newswire)

Notable Quote:

"With the necessary regulatory approvals now in place, EquiLend is poised to accelerate its growth and further the automation of the securities finance market. We believe this partnership will support EquiLend's mission to innovate and enhance industry efficiency."

Ryan Harper, General Partner at WCAS

Our Take:

The completion of EquiLend’s acquisition by WCAS marks a significant milestone for the securities finance industry. With regulatory approvals in hand, EquiLend is well-positioned to accelerate its growth trajectory. Backed by powerful shareholders like Bank of America and BlackRock, the partnership with WCAS opens new opportunities for innovation in automation and post-trade services. This strategic move strengthens EquiLend’s market position and underscores its commitment to technological advancement, efficiency, and compliance in the highly regulated securities finance space. The acquisition will likely drive enhanced services and broader market participation, further bolstering EquiLend's industry leadership.